Streptococcus pyogenes is non-motile gram-positive cocci, which contains the Lancefield group A antigen that can cause serious infections such as pharyngitis, respiratory infection, impetigo, endocarditis, meningitis, puerperal sepsis, and arthritis. Left untreated, these infections can lead to serious complications, including rheumatic fever and peritonsillar abscess. Traditional identification procedures for Group A Streptococci infection involve the isolation and identification of viable organisms using techniques that require 24 to 48 hours or longer.
The Strep A Rapid Test Card is a rapid test to qualitatively detect the presence of Strep A antigen in throat swab specimens, providing results within 10 minutes. The test utilizes antibodies specific for whole cell Lancefield Group A Streptococcus to selectively detect Strep A antigen in a throat swab specimen.
The Strep A Rapid Test Card is a qualitative, lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of Strep A carbohydrate antigen in a throat swab. In this test, antibody specific to Strep A carbohydrate antigen is coated on the test line region of the card. During testing, the extracted throat swab specimen reacts with an antibody to Strep A that is coated onto particles. The mixture migrates up the membrane to react with the antibody to Strep A on the membrane and generate a red line in the test region. The presence of this red line in the test region indicates a positive result, while its absence indicates a negative result. To serve as a procedural control, a red line will always appear in the control region if the test has been performed properly. If a red control line does not appear, the test result is not valid.

Product Feature

–High Sensitivity: 96%
–High Specificity: 98%
–Reliable results
–Longer shelf life
–Clear background

Ordering Information:
  • 1. Cassette Cat No.: AN1024C
  • 2. Dipstick Cat No.: AN1024S
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