Major epidemics of enterically transmitted non-A, non-B hepatitis (ET-NANBH) have been found to occur in developing regions such as Asia, the former USSR, Central America and Africa. Sporadic cases have also been reported in developed nations, including Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States. Cases in developed nations have generally been associated with travel to endemic regions.

The course of the infection is generally acute and self-limiting without chronic sequelae. There is, however, a high incidence of mortality in pregnant women in the third trimester, about 10-20% and a mortality rate of 1-2% in the general population, which is 10 times that of hepatitis A (HAV). With the cloning of the etiological agent of ET-NANBH and the identification of type common viral epitopes, specific diagnostic tools have been developed to detect antibodies to hepatitis E virus (HEV). Studies with Egyptian children from Benha in 1986 revealed that previous exposure to HEV will elicit an IgG response which may be transient and disappear in 6 months but can sometimes last up to 8 years or more as seen in a recent study in Taiwan. The IgM response has been shown to be limited to the acute phase of HEV infection. Previously, detection of the acute response in HEV infection has been through observation of viral particles in the stool of infected individuals using IEM or by PCR. This method requires expensive equipment and technique-dependent expertise. Furthermore, the shedding of the viral particles is usually in small quantities and may not be of sufficient titer to be detected.

These tests are based on synthetic immunodominant antigens derived from conservative regions of the virus. Tests for IgM are used to determine the nature of the infective agent in patients showing symptoms of hepatitis, in order to rule out the possibility of other most severe viral infections (HBV, HDV, HCV).

Product Feature

–High Sensitivity: 96%
–High Specificity: 93%
–Reliable results
–Longer shelf life
–Clear background

Ordering Information:
  • 1. Cassette Cat No.: AN3027C
  • 2. Dipstick Cat No.: AN3027S
Helpful Documents:
  • 1. Instruction for use
  • 2. MSDS